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FSIS Directs Inspectors to Stop Enforcing COOL for Beef and Pork

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) ordered employees to stop enforcing labeling on December 21st. Inspection personnel were directed “not to take any independent action on enforcement” and to …

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FSIS sets 2016 Rates

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has set the rates for 2016. These are the charges the organization assesses to meat and poultry establishments, importers and exporters for providing …

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“Microbead Free Waters Act of 2015” Signed into Law

Following up on our previous article covering this legislation, the “Microbead Free Waters Act of 2015” was signed into law this week. .” This Act defines “plastic microbeads” as any …

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CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management Project (CARM)

CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management Project (CARM) is a large, multi-year project to transform how the CBSA assesses, collects, manages and reports on import revenue and trade information. CARM will …

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CBP Seizes Counterfeit Hoverboards

CBP in Norfolk, Virginia seized 445 hoverboards with counterfeit name-brand batteries. These batteries have been linked to recent overheating related fires. The manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the hoverboards was …

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Two Lion Species listed as Endangered and Threatened by US Fish & Wildlife Service

In the wake of the incident involving Cecil the Lion, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has listed the lion subspecies panther leo leo as endangered and PI melonichaita as …

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Senate Passes Bill to Ban Microbead Manufacturing, Sale

By unanimous vote, the US Senate passed the Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015.” This Act defines “plastic microbeads” as any solid particle less than five (5) millimeters that is intended …

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FDA Posts a Chart that Illustrates the Data Elements that Required for ACE Filing

As the deadline for ACE filing draws closer for US imports, the Food and Drug Administration has posted a chart that illustrates the data elements required for each commodity when …

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TSCA Reform passes House and Senate, Conference will Resolve Differences

The US Senate passed legislation that will reform the Toxic Substances Control Act. This comes on the heels of the US House of Representatives passing their TSCA reform bill this …

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Anti-Dumping Duties

The following is available on the Canadian International Trade Tribunal website. Notice of Expiry Review of Order and Statement of Reasons – Refined Sugar (Expiry Review No. RR-2014-006) Concrete Reinforcing …

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CBSA – Export Reporting

The following has been updated on the Canada Border Services Agency website D20-1-1, Exporter Reporting This memorandum outlines and explains the guidelines and procedures respecting the report of goods exported …

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CBSA D-Memorandum Updates

The following is available on the Canada Border Services Agency website D8-11-8, Administration of the Designer Remission Order, 2001

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CBP Announces Center for Excellence for Apparel, Footwear, and Textiles

The Apparel, Footwear, and Textiles (AFT) Center for Excellence and Expertise at CBP opened this week in San Francisco. The main focus of this center is to centralize the import …

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Federal Maritime Commission issues $334,000 in Penalties for Shipping Act Violations

Seven (7) shipping companies agreed to pay the Federal Maritime Commission a total of $334,000 in civil penalties as a result of the agency’s investigation into their practices. In the …

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US Customs captures Giant African Snails at Oakland Airport

US Customs officers at the Oakland Airport discovered Giant African Snails and eggs while examining a shipment of wooden pallets from African Samoa. These snails are considered to be one …

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