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UPDATE!! – Trilateral webinar for industry on U.S., Canadian, and Mexican Textile Compliance

The CPSC, Health Canada, and Profeco joint webinar on product safety requirements for general clothing, sleepwear, and textile products has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2017 from 1:30 to …

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CBSA – Customs Notices

The following are available in their entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency website. CN 16-23, Transmission of Electronic House Bills for Shipments Transiting Canada This notice is to advise …

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Anti-Dumping Duties

CERTAIN FABRICATED INDUSTRIAL STEEL COMPONENTS – Preliminary Injury Inquiry No. PI‑2016-003 The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has conducted a preliminary injury inquiry into whether the evidence discloses a reasonable indication …

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Canadian Environmental Protection Act and Emissions regulations

Environment and Climate Change Canada while conducting inspections of importers of certain regulated petroleum burning machines found that many importers have not provided the required pre-arrival declaration to the Minister …

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FDA Releases FSMA Small Business Compliance Guides for Human and Animal Food

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published two guides to aid small business in the transition to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).  These documents cover foreign and domestic food …

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FDA Releases a “Draft Guidance” Document covering Proposed FSMA Rules

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a draft of the proposed rules for statements that must accompany documents in accordance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Though this …

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Peace Bridge Authority Announces Lane Closure

The following has been excerpted from, is available in its entirety on the Peace Bridge Authority website. Peace Bridge Authority Announces Lane Closure Beginning November 15, 2016 Through May 15, 2017 …

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Global Affairs Canada – Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade, today introduced legislation in the House of Commons to implement CUFTA. The legislation will be subject to all required stages of the …

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CBSA – Acting as an Agent for the Purposes of Importing Personal Vehicles and Goods

CN 16-21, Acting as an Agent for the Purposes of Importing Personal Vehicles and Goods The purpose of this notice is to provide clarification to the public as to who …

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CFIA – Trade Memoranda removed from the Fertilizer webpage

Please be advised that the following Trade Memoranda have been removed from the Fertilizer webpage: • T-4-107 – Registration of Supplements Under the Fertilizers Act • T-4-118 – Guidelines to …

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Public Safety Canada – Minister Goodale discussed border commitments with U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Johnson

The Honourable Ralph Goodale met with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson in Ottawa to discuss Canada-U.S. border cooperation. “…Over the last year we have achieved significant progress on …

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Global Affairs Canada – Canada Amends Sanctions Against North Korea

Sanctions related to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) have been enacted under the United Nations Act and the Special Economic Measures Act in order to pressure the DPRK …

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Health Canada – Chemical Substances

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development is seeking input from stakeholders for its review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Canadian Environmental Protection Act, …

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CBP Requesting Valuation Information from Produce Importers

It has come to our attention this week that US Customs and Border Protection has been sending letters requesting information from buyers and sellers of produce pertaining to the valuation …

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US Southern Shrimp Alliance wants ADD Evasion Information Released Publicly

US Customs interim regulations on anti-dumping investigations has sparked comments from the Southern Shrimp Alliance in the United States.  This industry group feels that the definition of “parties to the …

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