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COVID-19 Daily Commercial Update to Industry Stakeholders March 23, 2020

Canada and the U.S. recognize the critical necessity to preserve the supply chains between both countries. Supply chains will not be impacted by these measures. What We Are Looking Into Detailed …

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CFIA is prioritizing critical activities during COVID-19 pandemic

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is taking action to preserve the integrity of Canada’s food safety system, while safeguarding its animal and plant resource base. The CFIA has activated …

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Expedited access to disinfectants, hand sanitizers and personal protective equipment to help limit the spread of COVID-19, as well as swabs for testing

Summary Products: Hand sanitizers, disinfectants, personal protective equipment (such as masks and gowns) and swabs. Issue: Health Canada is expediting access to supplies of these products to help limit the …

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U.S.-Canada Joint Initiative: Temporary Restriction of Travelers Crossing the U.S.-Canada Border for Non-Essential Purposes

March 20, 2020 – Ottawa, Ontario – Prime Minister’s Office U.S.-Canada Joint Initiative: Temporary Restriction of Travelers Crossing the U.S.-Canada Border for Non-Essential Purposes The U.S.-Canada land border serves as …

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March 19, 2020 COVID-19 CBSA Commercial & Trade Update

COVID-19 Daily Commercial Update to Industry – Stakeholders Borders remain open for commercial operations and the CBSA is actively working to facilitate goods movement. • Truck drivers and the exemption …

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Mexican Tomato Inspection Begins April 6th

The U.S. Department of Agriculture issued a notice advising the trade that inspection requirements for Mexican tomatoes will begin on April 6th, 2020.  The inspections will be for not only …

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FDA Temporarily Lessens On-site Audit Requirements

Under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP), U.S. importers are required to conduct on-site inspections of their foreign suppliers.  Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, …

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Section 232 and 301 Tariff Not Expected to be Lifted

This week, President Trump was asked if he would be interested in lifting, even temporarily, the Section 232 and/or the 301 tariffs amid the coronavirus crisis.  He responded, “China is …

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Changes in Requesting an Extension to the 90-day Period to Submit Corrections Customs Notice 20-09

CN 20-09, Changes in Requesting an Extension to the 90-day Period to Submit Corrections Customs Notice 20-09 1. The purpose of this notice is to advise you that effective immediately, …

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March 18, 2020 COVID-19 CBSA Commercial & Trade Update

COVID-19 Daily Commercial Update to Industry – Stakeholders Canada Border Services Agency key message is “Borders remain open and commercial operations are ‘business as usual’” 1. Borders remain open for …

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Information for industry – CFIA

Notice to industry regulated by the CFIA In recent days, the CFIA has received many requests from industry to have its inspectors and officials sign various documents, such as Visitor …

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March 17, 2020 COVID-19 CBSA Commercial & Trade Update

COVID-19 Daily Commercial Update to Industry – Stakeholders Canada Border Services Agency key message is “Borders remain open and commercial operations are ‘business as usual’”. What We Are Looking Into? …

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CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM)

What is CARM? CARM is a large multi-year project that began in 2016 with the implementation of the Accounts Receivable Ledger (ARL). Once completely implemented CARM is intended to: • …

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COVID-19 Announcement from the Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Following is an announcement from the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) regarding COVID-19: English Français  

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Canada Ratifies CUSMA Trade Deal with U.S. and Mexico

On March 13, 2020, Bill C-4 (Canada US Mexico Agreement) passed through both the House of Commons and the Senate.  It is anticipated to receive Royal Assent shortly. Once the …

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