Anti-Dumping Duties

Notice of preliminary determination – Certain upholstered domestic seating

On May 5, 2021 the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), made preliminary determinations of dumping and subsidizing with respect to certain upholstered domestic seating from China and Vietnam.

The subject goods are usually classified under the following tariff classification numbers:

9401.40.00.00, 9401.61.10.10, 9401.61.10.90, 9401.71.10.10, and 9401.71.10.90

Provisional duties will now be payable on the subject goods that are released from customs on or after May 5, 2021. Where amounts of dumping and/or subsidy are considered insignificant, the investigations will continue but provisional duties will not be payable.

This notice is available in its entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency website.

Notice of final determination – Certain concrete reinforcing bar

On May 5, 2021, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has made a final determination of dumping regarding certain concrete reinforcing bar from Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.

The subject goods are usually imported under the following tariff classification numbers:

7213.10.00.00 & 7214.20.00.00

In some instances, the subject goods may also be imported under the tariff classification numbers:

7215.90.00.90 & 7227.90.00.90

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) is continuing its inquiry into the question of injury to the domestic industry and will make a finding by June 4, 2021.

This notice is available in its entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency website

Notice of preliminary determination – Grinding Media

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has made preliminary determinations of dumping and subsidizing with respect to certain grinding media from India.

The subject goods are usually classified under the following tariff classification numbers:

7325.91.00.10 & 7325.91.00.90

Provisional duties will now be payable on the subject goods that are released from customs on or after April 30, 2021.

For importations of subject goods for which the exporter has not been issued a specific rate, the rates of anti‑dumping duty are equal to 54.3%.

For importations of subject goods for which the exporter has not been issued a specific rate, the rates of countervailing duty are equal to 35.2%

The complete notice is available on the Canada Border Services Agency website.

Initiation of investigation – Small power transformers

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has initiated an investigation into the dumping of certain small power transformers originating in or exported from Austria, Chinese Taipei, and South Korea.

For the purpose of this investigation, subject goods are defined as:

Liquid dielectric transformers having a top power handling capacity equal to or greater than 3,000 kilovolt amperes (kVA) (3 megavolt amperes (MVA)), and less than 60,000 kilovolt amperes (kVA) (60 megavolt amperes (MVA)), and having a nominal high voltage rating of greater than 34.5 kilovolts (kV), whether assembled or unassembled, complete or incomplete, originating in or exported from the Republic of Austria, the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei), and the Republic of Korea.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) will conduct a preliminary inquiry to determine whether the evidence discloses a reasonable indication that the alleged dumping of the goods has caused or is threatening to cause injury to the Canadian industry. The CITT must make its decision on or before the 60th day after the date of the initiation of the investigation. If the CITT concludes that the evidence does not disclose a reasonable indication of injury to the Canadian industry, the investigation will be terminated.

If the CITT finds that the evidence discloses a reasonable indication of injury to the Canadian industry and the CBSA’s preliminary investigation reveal that the goods have been dumped, the CBSA will make preliminary determinations of dumping within 90 days after the date of the initiation of the investigation, by July 14, 2021.

This notice is available in its entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency website.