2021 Import Controls for Romaine Lettuce (USA)

On September 15, 2021 the CFIA provided an update to the importation process for Romaine lettuce from the USA.  The CFIA has now released a sample copy of the attestation form for industry awareness.

The sample draft form is not yet available on the CFIA page and these samples are only intended for industry awareness.  Please note that the “delegate” referred to on the attestation form can be any person the SFC licence holder deems appropriate, including a supplier.  However, the licence holder must understand the implications with this choice. When the importer assigns a delegate to complete the form on their behalf, the holder of the SFC licence to import remains responsible if any of the conditions set out in the attestation or the final declaration are not met.

Furthermore, at the time of CFIA post-entry inspections, CFIA will be verifying that the importer has all records (including the attestation forms) and can demonstrate how the temporary licence conditions are being implemented. Therefore, the role of the person acting on the licence holder’s behalf for the attestation form is key, which stresses the importance of applying rigour in the cho ice of that delegate.

Importer’s Attestation for Romaine Lettuce Products from the Salinas Valley, California, United States

September 14, 2021 News release

Import requirements for romaine lettuce from the United States (2021)