Updates to the CFIA Fish List

Please be advised that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has added the common names for the following fish species within the CFIA Fish List:

Scientific name – English/ French common name

Clarias fuscus – Whitespotted freshwater catfish / Silure
Doryteuthis opalescens – California market squid / Calmar opale
Megalaspis cordyla – Horse mackerel; Torpedo scad / Comète torpille
Plectropomus leopardus – Common coral trout / Saumonée léopard
Urechis caupo – Penis fish; Innkeeper worm / Poisson pénis; Ver aubergiste
Urechis unicinctus – Penis fish; Innkeeper worm / Poisson pénis; Ver aubergiste

Scientific name – French common name

Oligoplites saurus – Sauteur cuir
Phoxinus phoxinus – Vairon
Roncador stearnsii – Courbine tachetée
Sciades parkeri – Mâchoiron jaune
Sprattus sprattus – Sprat
Zoarces americanus – Loquette d’Amérique

The review was performed in accordance with the Guidance on Determining the Common Names for Fish Sold or Processed in Canada.