UPDATE – Exporting commercial food and animal products to the European Union

The European Union (EU) has officially granted Canada and all other trade partners an extension from August 21, 2021 to January 15, 2022 for all exporters of commercial food and animal commodities destined for the EU in order to meet the new requirements of EU’s Animal Health Law.

Current export certificates will continue to be accepted by the EU until March 15, 2022, provided they are signed before January 15, 2022.

The extension follows extensive negotiations between Canada, the EU and other international trading partners. The new deadline will allow exporters time to prepare and to minimize trade disruptions during this period. The CFIA will use this extension to continue working closely with industry to prepare for this transition.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) encourages exporters to not delay and create an EU login account and user access profile in TRACES NT in advance of the January 15, 2022 deadline. The account will then have to be validated by contacting the CFIA at – cfia.tracesntadministrator-tracestnadministrateur.acia@inspection.gc.ca.

Using the TRACES NT system for export certificates will provide a secure, convenient, and streamlined process for doing business with the EU. The CFIA will notify exporters in early fall with exact dates for when our inspectors will be ready to issue certificates through TRACES NT. Until that time, please continue to use existing certificates and practices to request signatures for EU certificates.

Virtual information sessions are being planned for industry in the coming week. If you are interested in participating, please contact aafc.mas-sam.aac@agr.gc.ca.

More information

For more information on how to create an EU login account and user access profile in TRACES NT and to complete part 1 of the required certificate, see the step-by-step instructional materials visit TRACES NT documentation website.

To request validation contact – cfia.tracesntadministrator-tracestnadministrateur.acia@inspection.gc.ca.

Contact the TRACES NT Helpdesk to obtain more information on the use of TRACES NT at +32 2 297 63 50 or email: SANTE-TRACES@ec.europa.eu.

To learn more about export requirements for the EU visit Exporting food and animal products to the European Union.