Turkey and Turkey Products (Items 105 to 113 on the Import Control List) 2016 TRQ: Quantities Available for Allocation

For the 2016 allocation year, a balance of 300,634 kg, eviscerated equivalent (ee), of the turkey and turkey products tariff rate quota (TRQ) remains available for allocation.

The Allocation Method Order – Turkey and Turkey Products (SOR/96-389) and the Notice to Importers, Serial #845, dated November 1, 2013, provides information on the allocation process for turkey and turkey products.

The turkey and turkey products TRQ is allocated to two groups:  traditional allocation holders and processors of turkey products not on the Import Control List (the non-ICL group).  Allocations are calculated first for the traditional allocation holders first and the quantity remaining is allocated to the non-ICL group based on the total of the turkey quantities used in the production of the non-ICL turkey products, during the applicable reference period.

If, as it has occurred during the 2016 application process, a portion of the TRQ remains unallocated after the allocation to both the traditional and non-ICL groups have been completed, the remaining available TRQ is allocated as follows:

During the first six months of the allocation year, ending June 30, 2016, the remaining 300,634 kg (ee) of turkey and turkey products TRQ will be allocated to eligible applicants each receiving a share equal to or less than the quantity of turkey for which they apply, on a first-come, first-served basis to:

  • any current allocation holder submitting an additional application detailing supplemental import needs, such as Import to Compete or import to accommodate shortage; and
  • all other applicants who submit an additional application for a share detailing their current involvement in turkey and turkey products industry and supplemental import needs.

As of March 1, 2016, the amount of turkey import TRQ allocation available is: 84,634 kg (ee).

Note that an allocation of turkey and turkey products TRQ under these provisions has no bearing on the 2017 allocation of the turkey and turkey products TRQ.

The Export and Import Permits Act and its regulations, including the AMO are available on the Justice Laws website.

The Notice is available on the Global Affairs Canada (the Department) website.

The Department will regularly update and publish on this page the amount of turkey and turkey products TRQ is available for utilization.

Questions may be addressed to: Turkey-Dindon@international.gc.ca