Trade Shows: Temporary Import Bond or Dutiable Consumption Entry?

Trade show season presents several unique challenges for importers and exporters. Of course, you have goods that you don’t normally ship, but you also need to know how to structure the shipments. A typical exhibitor will have two types of goods: items that will be used for the exhibit and items that will be given away at the event.

Items that will be used at the event, and not given away, can be entered under what is called a “TIB” or Temporary Importation under Bond. This is a good fit for items such as: trade show booths, televisions, display merchandise, and banners. This is a type of entry that allows an importer to enter the goods, for a period of one (1) year, and export these items without paying duties. However, to properly close the TIB and avoid a monetary penalty from US Customs, all of the goods entered must be exported.

Items that will be given away at the event should not be included on the TIB shipment. Instead, these items should be entered as a ‘consumption entry’ because the goods are entering the commerce of the United States, even though they are not being sold. Typical ‘consumption’ items are brochures, shirts, hats, snacks, and other promotional items.

Prior to sending the goods, please reach out to the US Transition Team ( if you need advisement.