Sugar-Containing Products Export Quota: Updated list

Sugar-Containing Products Export Quota: Updated list of NEICS codes for qualifying products for export to the U.S. under the WTO-SCP

This notice pertains to sugar-containing products that are classified under subheadings 1701.91.54, 1704.90.74, 1806.20.75, 1806.20.95, 1806.90.55, 1901.10.74, 1901.90.69, 2101.12.54, 2101.20.54, 2106.90.78 and 2106.90.95 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2020), as amended from time to time (United States), for export to the United States within the share of the in-quota quantity of the sugar-containing products tariff rate quota allocated to Canada by the United States in accordance with subparagraph 2(b) of Article 3.A.5 of Annex 3-A of Chapter 3 of CUSMA;

Please be advised that the list of NEICS codes for sugar-containing products for exports to the U.S. (WTO) has been updated in order to reflect the unification of the former “Retail” and “Bulk” pools.

While applying for a permit, please make sure to use one of the codes included in the updated handbook list. 

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