Statement from Ministers Ritz and Fast on Senator Stabenow’s Proposed Bill to Amend United States Country of Origin Labelling (COOL)

The following is a news release by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and is available in its entirety on the Government of Canada website

“Senator Stabenow’s COOL 2.0 fails to address Canada’s concerns and would continue to undermine our integrated North American supply chains. By continuing the segregation of and discrimination against Canadian cattle and hogs, Senator Stabenow’s measure will harm farmers, ranchers, packers, retailers and consumers on both sides of the border. This is contrary to successive World Trade Organization (WTO) decisions that have clearly ruled in Canada’s favour.”

“The US Senate must follow the lead of the House of Representatives and put forward legislation that repeals COOL once and for all.”

“The only acceptable outcome remains for the United States to repeal COOL or face $3B in annual retaliation.”

“Canada will continue to stand up for the rights of our cattle and hog producers to ensure this harm is ended and to restore the value of our highly integrated North American livestock market.”