Special Import and Measures Act Handbook update to reflect policy development

Please be advised that parts 4.8 and 5.4 of the Special Import and Measures Act (SIMA) Handbook has been updated to reflect policy development.

It is recommended that individuals request a copy of the newly revised SIMA Handbook as the changes reflected therein are effective immediately. Please contact the SIMA Registry to request a copy in either official language.

A brief outline of the changes is:

• When relying on section 19, a policy preference will be given to the use of a constructed normal value under paragraph 19(b). Sales to a third country will remain a policy option that will be assessed on an as needs basis
• Clarification was made for different provisions related to undertakings as well as the addition of certain specified interested parties

Email: simaregistry-depotlmsi@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca