Single Use Plastic Prohibition Regulations comes into effect December 20, 2022

The Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations (SUPPR) will come into force on commencing on December 20, 2022.

The Regulations prohibit the manufacture, import and sale of single-use plastic checkout bags, cutlery, foodservice ware made from or containing problematic plastics, ring carriers, stir sticks, and straws.

An exception in the Regulations allow single-use plastic flexible straws to remain available, under certain conditions (Single-use plastic flexible straws that are not packaged with beverage containers are excluded from the prohibitions under certain conditions.

The Regulations prohibit the manufacture, import, and sale of 6 categories of single-use plastics:  checkout bags, cutlery, foodservice ware, ring carriers, stir sticks, and straws.

Prohibition timelines are provided below and available on the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) website.  

Prohibition timelines

ItemManufacture and import for sale in CanadaSaleManufacture, import and sale for export
Checkout bags, cutlery, foodservice ware, stir sticks, straws*December 20, 2022December 20, 2023December 20, 2025
Ring carriersJune 20, 2023June 20, 2024December 20, 2025
Flexible straws packaged with beverage containersNot applicableJune 20, 2024December 20, 2025

*Single-use plastic flexible straws that are not packaged with beverage containers are excluded from the prohibitions under certain conditions.

There are different enforcement dates dependent on the product and activity, and guidance is available on the ECCC website.