Revisions to the “ABCs of seed importation into Canada” document

Please be advised that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has made changes to the “ABCs of seed importation into Canada” document. Changes made are strictly to clarify information and do not change the import requirements. It is recommended that importers review the document to ensure import requirements are understood and to prevent shipment delays.

A summary of changes include:

Significant revisions:

  • Section C’s new title “Questions about the importation of seed into Canada” to now list examples of whom to contact and contact info
  • Section F now clarifies that lot number must be present on the import declaration and where to enter information on the declaration form
  • Section I and J now state seed must be kept separate and intact until a notice of conformity is provided, using seed prior to receiving a notice may result in action up to prosecution
  • Section N now clarifies that authorized importers are required to contact their local CFIA office within 30 days of importing and lists the duration of maintaining documents
  • New details were added to Section O – Pre-clearance
  • Section S renamed “Own use (Seeding by the importer)”
  • Section U is now titled “Sale pursuant to the subsection 5(4) of the Seed Regulations”, and provides additional information
  • Footnote added to explain where to enter the variety name for crop kinds which require variety registration

Editorial revisions:

  • Added email addresses, hyperlinks, contact information, relevant acts and other minor clarifications throughout sections B, E, I and Y
  • Updated footnotes by integrating details into the text and removing old information

If you have any questions, please contact Seed Section –