Requirements for truckers entering Canada in effect as of January 15, 2022

The Government of Canada has issued the following public health news release regarding the new vaccine requirements for truckers entering Canada, effective January 15, 2022.

A Canadian truck driver who is not fully vaccinated can’t be denied entry into Canada—Canadian citizens, persons registered as Indians under the Indian Act and permanent residents may enter Canada by right.

The final decision regarding entry and quarantine is made by a government representative at the port of entry, based on the information presented to them at the time.

Any individual who is symptomatic upon arrival to Canada will be directed to a Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) official and will be directed to isolate for 10 days from the time symptoms first occurred.

As of January 15, 2022, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated foreign national truck drivers, coming to Canada from the US by land, will be directed back to the United States.

To qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller and to enter Canada, foreign national truck drivers must:

– have received at least two doses of a vaccine accepted for travel, a mix of two accepted vaccines (or at least one dose of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine).

– have received their second dose at least 14 full days before they enter Canada (For example: if a driver received their second dose anytime on Saturday, January 1, then Sunday, January 16 would be the first day that they would meet the 14-day condition).

– Have submitted all required COVID-19 information into ArriveCAN.

This was excerpted from a news released published by the Public Health Agency of Canada