Requirement to present Global Affairs Canada (GAC) import permits for all “new“ restricted handgun importations

Customs Notice 24-01: Notification of the requirement to present Global Affairs Canada (GAC) import permits for all “new“ restricted handgun importations This Customs Notice supersedes Customs Notice 22-16 which expired Dec 15, 2023. Effective immediately, with the coming into force of Bill C-21, the requirement to present a GAC import permit is no longer applicable for the re-importation of lawfully registered restricted handguns by Canadian residents holding a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) with restricted privileges, registration certificate, and an Authorization to Transport (ATT). “New” importations of handguns by Canadian residents and businesses, whether for personal or commercial use, and regardless of the mode of importation still require an import permit issued by GAC. The documentation requirements for new imports of restricted handguns will be a GAC import permit, as well as, a PAL with restricted privileges, a registration certificate and an Authorization to Transport for individual imports, and a Firearms Business Licence (FBL) for commercial imports with the correct import conditions listed on the FBL. An ATT is a separate paper document that is no longer linked to the PAL with restricted privileges. ATTs are issued at the discretion of the Chief Firearms Officer of the respective province into which the firearm is being imported. This policy does not impact the temporary importation of handguns by non-residents pursuant to s.35 of the Firearms Act. Please note that commercial firearm shipments must be processed through a paper release option. The importer is responsible for presenting physical copies of all required permits, licenses, etc. at the time of entry. For information on import controls and permits, including how to apply for an import permit, please refer to GAC’s Import Controls web page.