Reminder – Seasonal Produce Tariff Number Changes for Cucumbers & Tomatoes (MARCH 01, 2022)


On March 1st, the seasonal tariff number for cucumbers changed from 0707.00.2000 to 0707.00.4000.


On March 1st, the seasonal tariff number schema for tomatoes changed from HTS heading 0702.00.60 to:

  • Greenhouse
    • 0702.00.2015 (Roma/Plum)
    • 0702.00.2025 (Round)
    • 0702.00.2031 (Other)
  • Field-grown
    • 0702.00.2035 (Cherry)
    • 0702.00.2045 (Grape)
    • 0702.00.2065 (Roma/Plum)
    • 0702.00.2080 (Round)
    • 0702.00.2091 (Other)

If you are using an electronic platform for your shipments such as ShipCheck, please remember to change the tariff numbers in your profile so that the proper tariff numbers are sent.

If you need assistance activating or deactivating your part numbers in ShipCheck, please contact our Transition team at 716.260.1580 option 4 or email

When incorrect tariff numbers are sent, it causes delays in shipment processing as the numbers must to be manually changed prior to transmission for release. Please set your email calendars

Please contact with any questions.