Regulatory changes related to Origin

Memorandum D11-4-2, Proof of Origin of Imported Goods has been revised to reflect the implementation of several trade agreements. It has also been revised to reflect the regulatory changes effective July 1, 2020 to increase the Low Value Shipment (LVS) thresholds for all commercial importations to an estimated value for duty not exceeding CAD$3,300, to repeal the requirement for a written statement certifying that LVS goods are originating, who can sign a certificate of origin and the acceptance of a certification of origin in electronic format.

Memorandum D11-4-14, Certification of Origin under Free Trade Agreements have been revised to limit the scope to the certification requirements of commercial goods under a free trade agreement to which Canada is a Party. CBSA policies with respect to who can sign a certificate of origin and the acceptance of a certification of origin in electronic format have been removed from this D-Memo and instead, is now captured in Memorandum D11-4-2. It also has been revised to reflect the regulatory changes to increase the LVS thresholds for all commercial importations to an estimated value for duty not exceeding CAD$3,300, and to repeal the requirement for a written statement certifying that LVS goods are originating.