Publication Delay of the Final Order Amending Schedule 3 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

The following is provided by Environment and Climate Change Canada.

This is to inform you of a delay in the publication of the final Order Amending Schedule 3 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (the final Order). The final Order, initially expected to be published in late 2023, is now expected to be published in summer 2024, at the earliest.

Concurrently, the final Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2022 is also expected to be published in summer 2024, at the earliest.

On May 14, 2022, the Government of Canada published the proposed Order Amending Schedule 3 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (the proposed Order) and the proposed Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2022 in the Canada Gazette, Part I, for a 75-day public comment period that ended on July 28, 2022. The proposed Order would add certain substances to Schedule 3 (the Export Control List), making their exports subject to the Export of Substances on the Export Control List Regulations.

Many complex and technical comments were received during these public comment periods, which are being carefully considered

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