Public consultations on Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement commence

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) is a high-standard, high-ambition agreement that promotes the integration of Canadian SMEs into regional and global supply chains, while advancing the rights of our workers and our environmental priorities. The Agreement provides a stable, rules-based, and predictable trading environment for Canadian enterprises in North America.

This week the Government of Canada launched public consultations to gather Canadians’ views on CUSMA. The consultations will provide Canadians with an opportunity to share their views on and experiences with key areas of CUSMA, including elements of the agreement that are working well and those that can be further improved.

The feedback received from these consultations will inform Canada’s priorities in preparation for the first joint review of CUSMA by Canada, the United States and Mexico in 2026 and ahead of Canada’s chairing of the 5th meeting of the CUSMA Free Trade Commission, in 2025.

To participate in the consultations, Canadians are encouraged to review information provided at the page linked below. The consultations will be held until October 31, 2024.

Join the discussion: Consulting Canadians on the operation of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA)