PSAC strike and possible labour disruptions

The Government of Canada is committed to negotiating collective agreements that are fair to public servants and reasonable for taxpayers.

The Government of Canada and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) are currently negotiating collective agreements. The Canada Revenue Agency (a separate employer) and the Union of Taxation Employees (PSAC-UTE) are also in negotiations. Collectively this represents approximately 159,000 employees that provide a range of services for the public.

In the event of a labour disruption, certain services to the public may be affected. Departments and agencies have identified the essential services that will continue to be delivered during a labour disruption, and those that may be disrupted.

The 8,500 Border Services Officers are not in a strike position. However, administrative Border Services staff will be on strike, along with immigration processing staff.

The link below may be used to view impacts by institutions affected by any job actions.

Labour Disruptions