Proposed Regulatory Amendments and Proposed New Regulations Related to the Implementation of the Canada – United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement

1. This announces the regulatory amendments and new regulations proposed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) in support of the implementation of the Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement (CUKTCA). It is proposed that these regulatory amendments and new regulations come into force on April 1, 2021, on condition that His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of Canada in Council makes them.

2. Implementation information relating to the CUKTCA can be found in Customs Notice 21-07, Implementation of the Canada – United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement.

3. The proposed new regulations and regulatory amendments announced in this Customs Notice will be made in accordance with paragraph 167.1(b) of the Customs Act.

Proposed Regulatory Changes

Certification of Origin of Goods Exported to a Free Trade Partner Regulations

4. It is proposed that section 3 of the Certification of Origin of Goods Exported to a Free Trade Partner Regulations be amended to provide that when goods are exported from Canada to a CUKTCA beneficiary, the certificate be completed in English or French.

Exporters’ and Producers’ Records Regulations

5. It is proposed that the definition of “advance ruling” set out in the Exporters’ and Producers’ Records Regulations be amended to include reference to the advance ruling provisions of the Protocol on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures of CETA as incorporated by reference in the CUKTCA.

This notice is available in its entirety on the CBSA website