Proposed Amendments to the Pest Control Products Regulations

Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is proposing amendments to the Pest Control Products Regulations, in response to key concerns raised by stakeholders during the 2022 targeted review of the Pest Control Products Act

The proposed amendments would support the strategic objectives of the PMRA’s transformation agenda by improving transparency and access to information and data, and further strengthening environmental protection in Canada. Specifically, the proposed amendments include: facilitating access to confidential test data (CTD), and clarifying the information needed from applicants to set maximum residue limits for imported foods. In conjunction with the PCPA, the proposed amendments would require the Minister of Health to issue a public notification once such an application has been accepted for review.  In addition, the proposed amendments would provide the Minister with explicit authority to require applicants to provide information on both cumulative effects on the environment and on species at risk to better inform pesticide risk assessments.  

PMRA is also consulting on a guidance document regarding how CTD would be accessed under these regulatory amendments. The guidance document can be found by visiting the following link:

Written comments on the proposed amendments will be accepted until 24 August 2024, 70 calendar days from 15 June 2024, which is the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Comments can be submitted by visiting the following link: Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 158, Number 24: Regulations Amending the Pest Control Products Regulations (Strengthening the Regulation of Pest Control Products in Canada)

The PMRA will be holding a webinar for stakeholders, partners and the public to provide information on the proposed amendments. A separate notification with details regarding the webinar will be sent out at a later time.