Procedures for verifications of origin under a Free Trade Agreement with European countries

D11-4-21 – Procedures for verifications of origin under a Free Trade Agreement with European countries

This new memorandum is created to describe the verification of origin procedures used in Canada’s free trade agreements with countries in Europe. It includes the verification procedures of the following trade agreements:

Canada-European Free Trade Association Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)

Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA)

Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement (CUKTCA)

The CEFTA verification procedures were previously published in Departmental Memorandum D11-4-20, Procedures for Verifications of Origin Under a Free Trade Agreement. These procedures have been removed from that memorandum and included here with minor amendments to the Guidelines for CEFTA Verifications of Imported and Exported Goods – Appendix A to provide further detail regarding the verification processes.

The “Guidelines and General Information” contained herein provide policy and procedural information related to the administration of these free trade agreements (FTAs).

Please note that the amendments and the new CETA Verification of Origin of Exported Goods Regulations, CETA Verification of Origin of Imported Goods Regulations, CUFTA Verification of Origin of Exported Goods Regulations, CUFTA Verification of Origin of Imported Goods Regulations, the new regulations regarding the Verification of Origin of Exported Goods under CUKTCA, and the new regulations regarding the Verification of Origin of Imported Goods under CUKTCA to support the implementation of the above FTAs, were announced via Customs Notices. These Regulations will be published in Part II of the Canada Gazette. The effective date of the new regulations will be made retroactive to the date of coming into force of the FTA in accordance with paragraph 167.1(b) of the Customs Act and are as outlined in the relevant Customs Notices listed below:

Customs Notice 17-29, Proposed Regulatory Amendments and Proposed New Regulations Related to the Implementation of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

Customs Notice 17-25, Proposed Regulatory Amendments and Proposed New Regulations Related to the Implementation of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA)

Customs Notice 21-08, Proposed Regulatory Amendments and Proposed New Regulations Related to the Implementation of the Canada – United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement

These regulations remain subject to future decision of the Governor in Council. This memorandum will be revised to provide the link to the specific regulations once the Governor in Council has passed the proposed regulatory amendments and new regulations.

This memorandum outlines and explains the verification procedures pursuant to sections 42 and 97.201 of the Customs Act, Article 24 of Annex C of the Canada-European Free Trade Association Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), Article 29 of the Protocol on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures in the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Article 3.26 of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA), and Article 29 of the Protocol on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures of the CETA as incorporated by reference in the Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement (CUKTCA).