Pre-Consultation: Notice to interested parties about a Proposal to amend the Cosmetic Regulations

Health Canada is notifying interested parties of a pre-consultation. The “Notice to interested parties” outlinespotential amendments being considered to the Cosmetic Regulations.

You are invited to provide your feedback to the “Notice to interested parties – Proposal to amend the Cosmetic Regulations”, which will be available for a 45-day comment period from July 16, 2021 untilAugust 30,2021. General information regarding the proposal, including instructions for submitting comments, can be found on the website here:

Pre-Consultation: Notice to Interested Parties about a Proposal to amend the Cosmetic Regulations

To participate in this pre-consultation, send us an email at: to express your interest and to request a comment package. We will then email you a copy of the “Notice to Interested Parties” and instructions on how to provide your comments.