Notice to Exporters and Brokers – Export and Brokering of items listed on the Export Control List and the Brokering Control List to Belarus

Canada remains deeply concerned by the Government of Belarus’ ongoing campaign of repression and state-sponsored violence against public protests and the activities of opposition groups since the fraudulent presidential elections in August 2020.  There are well-documented reports of human rights violations, including against freedom of the press, freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as well as against free and fair democratic elections.

Accordingly, effective immediately, Canada temporarily suspends the issuance of all new permits for the export and brokering of controlled goods and technology to Belarus.

Exporters who were issued permits for the export or brokering of items to Belarus prior to the date of this notice may continue to export against those permits during their period of validity.

Global Affairs Canada will continue to monitor the evolving situation and may reassess the above decision in light of changes on the ground.

Exporters will be advised of any new developments with respect to export and brokering permits to Belarus.

For further information, please contact the Export Controls Division at Global Affairs Canada by phone (PH: 613.996.2387) or email (

This is a 9 November 2020 Notice from Global Affairs Canada.