Moving Forward with the Energy Efficiency Regulations

The following is provided by Natural Resources Canada.

  1. The Forward Regulatory Plan 2024-2026  was published on April 1st. It indicates that Natural Resources Canada plans to follow through with  amendments to the Energy Efficiency Regulations in progress, launch new amendments (Governor in Council and Ministerial) and utilize new regulatory tools intended to facilitate alignment with other jurisdictions. Please consult the forward regulatory plan for the list of products and the Regulatory process page for more information on the tools.

Technical bulletins will be posted online and webinars offered later this Spring for the energy-using products listed on the forward regulatory plan. They will provide specific considerations for energy efficiency standards, testing standards, labelling, verification, and reporting requirements. The bulletins and links to register to the webinars will be found on the pre-consultation page.

On April 10, NRCan published a Ministerial Amendment for ceiling fan light kits to correct an erroneous reference to a U.S. testing standard that was initially included in the Regulations via Amendment 17. NRCan’s Minister approved the amendment under autjhorities outlined in section 20.1 of the Energy Efficiency Act and it has been published in Canada Gazette, Part II .

NRCan encourages you to visit its Energy efficiency regulations website for up-to-date information about energy-using products that are regulated in Canada.

Please contact if you have any questions and forward this notice to anyone who might be interested or impacted.  They can subscribe to our mailing list through the link: Get updates on energy efficiency for products.