Letter of guarantee for importation of processed casings from the United States

The following is provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

In order to allow importation of processed casings from the United States (U.S.), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has negotiated an interim procedure with the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). This interim procedure consists of issuing a letter of guarantee (LoG) for each shipment. This LoG will be issued by the establishment where final processing step was conducted and provided to the FSIS prior to the issuance of the Official Meat Inspection Certificate (OMIC- FSIS form 9060-07 or 9060-18).

The LoG must:

refer to the OMIC issuedbe submitted to the National Import Service Center (NISC) with relevant documentation

accompany the original OMIC and the shipment

be presented to CFIA inspector if an import or preventive control inspection is required

be kept by the importer for two years after the day of the importation

The LoG will have the following text:

Letterhead of the US EST

The products certified under the Official Meat Inspection Certificate No. (FSIS Form 9060-7, or 9060-18) __ issued on __ (date) have undergone a final processing activity i.e. salting / brining in the US establishment No. __.

Signature of the exporting establishment official
Position – QA manager or alternate:

The interim procedure will be applicable until February 28, 2025. During this period CFIA will work in close collaboration with FSIS to implement a long term solution meeting applicable Canadian requirements.

If you have any questions, please contact the local CFIA area office.