Importation of restricted handguns into Canada

Notice to Importers No. 1106 – Importation of restricted handguns into Canada sets out the policies and practices pertaining to the importation of restricted handguns into Canada, pursuant to the coming into force of the amendments to the Firearms Act under Bill C-21. This Notice summarizes changes to the policy regarding the importation of restricted handguns, including eligible uses and import permit requirements. Any permit application for purposes other than those specified in this Notice will normally be denied.

As a result of Notice 1106, Notice to Importers No. 1090 is no longer in place.

This Notice is provided in accordance with the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) and its corresponding regulations, and remains in place until further notice.


Restricted handguns: items which are controlled under paragraph 70(1) of the Import Control List.

Domestic possession of restricted handguns: Under the Firearms Act, domestic possession is limited to specific uses only.

Eligible applicant: You may apply for an import permit if you are a resident of Canada:

  • your head office is in Canada, or you operate a branch office in Canada; or
  • in the case of a natural person, a person who ordinarily resides in Canada.

Eligible imports:

Importation of restricted handguns is limited to the same uses as defined for domestic possession:

  1. police/military/movie/theatrical purposes;
  2. to train, compete or coach in a handgun shooting discipline that is on the programme of the International Olympic Committee or the International Paralympic Committee;
  3. lawfully registered handguns by individuals holding a possession and acquisition licence (PAL) and registration certificate.

Import Permits: 

Import permits are required for the following imports:

  1. Imports for police/military/movie/theatrical purposes;
  2. Imports to train, compete or coach in a handgun shooting discipline that is on the programme of the International Olympic Committee or the International Paralympic Committee (*see note).

*Note: Each application for an import permit for a new restricted handgun to train, compete or coach in a handgun shooting discipline that is on the programme of the International Olympic Committee or the International Paralympic Committee must include a letter to a chief firearms officer from a provincial or national sport shooting governing body indicating:

(i) that the individual trains, competes or coaches in such a discipline;

(ii) the specific discipline in which the individual trains, competes or coaches; and

(iii) that the handgun that the individual seeks to acquire is necessary for training, competing or coaching in that specific discipline.

Import permits are not required for the re-importation of lawfully registered handguns by individuals holding a possession and acquisition licence (PAL) and registration certificate.


Applications for an import permit must be submitted to the Export Controls Operations Division (

International Import Certificate: if required by the exporting country, you may submit an international import certificate application via NEXCOL. Information requirements for IIC’s are set out in section K.2 of the Export and Brokering Controls Handbook:

Related links:

Import Controls

Firearms (

Import and export a firearm or weapon into Canada. (

Contact information:

Export Controls Operations Division (TIE)
Trade and Export Controls Bureau
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2
Telephone: 343-203-4331
Facsimile: 613-996-9933
Internet: Export and Import Controls