Import Documentation Requirements for Romaine Lettuce from the USA

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has provided the following information regarding documentation requirements for romaine lettuce and products containing romaine lettuce originating from the USA.

Importers of romaine lettuce or products containing romaine lettuce from the California counties of Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey must provide the CFIA with a Certificate of Analysis demonstrating that sampling was conducted according to the sampling and testing requirements described on the web page and the product does not contain detectable levels of E. coli O157:H7

Importers that provide a Certificate of Analysis do not have to also provide a Proof of Origin.

The requirements are published on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website.

Import requirements

The CFIA will allow the importation of romaine lettuce or products containing romaine lettuce from the USA if:

  1. the importer has a valid Safe Food for Canadians licence
  2. the importer provides a Proof of Origin indicating the state and county where the romaine lettuce was harvested if the romaine lettuce is from outside of the California counties of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Benito and Monterey
  3. romaine lettuce grown in California has been handled by a certified member of the California LGMA
  4. romaine lettuce grown in Arizona has been handled by a shipper that is a certified member of the Arizona LGMA
  5. romaine lettuce or products containing romaine lettuce from the California counties of Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey is accompanied by a certificate of analysis demonstrating that sampling was conducted according to the sampling and testing requirements and the product does not contain detectable levels of E. coli O157:H7
  6. if a Proof of Origin of the romaine lettuce is not available, a Certificate of Analysis must be provided
  7. if a Proof of Origin or Certificate of Analysis is not available at the time of import, a Conditional Release form should be provided

Scope of the import requirements

The requirements apply to all US shipments of romaine lettuce or products containing romaine lettuce, sold in bags, in bulk, or combined with other food items, in a fresh state. It applies to all varieties of mature and baby romaine lettuce.

Proof of Origin

Shipments of romaine lettuce or products containing romaine lettuce from the USA, outside the California counties of Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey, must be accompanied by a declaration from the exporter on official company letterhead which includes:

  • the signature of the exporter
  • the date the letter was signed by the exporter
  • the state and county where the romaine lettuce was harvested