Health Canada – Chemical Substances

The following have been updated on the Health Canada website.

A Notice of intent amending the Domestic Substances List to apply the Significant New Activity Provisions of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to ethanol, 2-[(2-aminoethyl) amino]- (AEEA) was published.

A final Order adding microbeads to Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 was published.

Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives
The Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations were published.

Chemical Substances Web site Inquiries | Questions du site Web Substances chimiques
c/o Health Canada | Santé Canada
A.L. 4905B
Ottawa (ON) K1A 0K9
Fax | Télécopieur: 613-952-8857
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada