Health Canada – Chemicals

The following have been updated on Health Canada’s website.

Significant New Activity Notification Risk Assessment Summaries

A Significant New Activity Notification Risk Assessment Summary for Hydroquinone in Batch 1 of the Challenge has been published.

Two Significant New Activity Notification Risk Assessment Summaries for Epichlorohydrin in Batch 2 of the Challenge have been published.

A Significant New Activity Notification Risk Assessment Summary for Benzyl Chloride in Batch 6 of the Challenge has been published.

A Significant New Activity Notification Risk Assessment Summary for Phenol, Methylstyrenated PBiT substance has been published.

Science Approach Document

The Science Approach Document for the Biomonitoring-based Approach 1 for Beryllium, Vanadium, trichlorooxo and Vanadium oxide was released and the related Notice was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on November 2, 2016.

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Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada