GoC Consults on Eliminating Tariffs in Vital Agri-Food Processing Sector

As announced in Budget 2016, the Department of Finance [has] launched public consultations on eliminating tariffs on food manufacturing ingredients other than supply-managed products.

Manufacturers need a wide range of inputs to produce their products. Some of these inputs are imported and may face tariffs when entering Canada. Such tariffs are a non-recoverable charge that increases the production costs for Canadian manufacturers, affecting their competitiveness at home and abroad.

Eliminating tariffs on imported food manufacturing inputs will support both investment and job creation in Canada’s agri-food processing sector—the country’s largest manufacturing employer and an important contributor to the economy. It will also make the sector more competitive in domestic and foreign markets.

The Government is seeking comments from all interested parties on this tariff elimination. Further details, such as which inputs would be affected and how to provide comments, can be found in the Canada Gazette notice.