Global Affairs Canada – Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade, today introduced legislation in the House of Commons to implement CUFTA. The legislation will be subject to all required stages of the legislative process.  Canada is committed to the timely ratification of CUFTA so Canadians and Ukrainians alike can take advantage of its benefits as soon as possible.  When implemented, the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement will generate opportunities for Canadians and Ukrainians, create new job opportunities, and help to grow the middle class and those working hard to join it.

When CUFTA enters into force, Canada will immediately eliminate duties on 99.9 percent of imports from Ukraine.  Similarly, Ukraine will eliminate tariffs on approximately 86 percent of Canadian exports, with the balance of tariff concessions to be implemented over a period of up to seven years.  CUFTA will thus eliminate essentially all tariffs on goods currently traded between Canada and Ukraine.

Canada is deeply committed to working with the people of Ukraine to help implement important economic and democratic reforms and to strengthen business ties between the two countries.

This article is available in its entirety on the Government of Canada website.