General Export Permit – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations (Amendment)


The purpose of this Notice is to advise exporters that, pursuant to the Export and Import Permits Act, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has amended a General Export Permit (GEP) relating to the export or transfer of certain dual-use goods and technology identified in Group 1 and in item 5504 of the Export Control List (ECL) /“A Guide to Canada’s Export Control List” (the Guide) to certain eligible destinations. This Notice to Exporters replaces an earlier Notice dated August 2015 which has been archived.

On September 1 2023, General Export Permit No. 41 (GEP-41) was amended to include a new category to the list of “unauthorized goods and technology” under paragraph 3(2)(e). Specifically, paragraph 3(2)(e) now prohibits the use of GEP-41 for the export or transfer of goods or technology that are intended for the development, production or use of rocket systems or unmanned aerial vehicles with a range of 300 km or greater.


GEPs are intended to facilitate trade in defined circumstances, and are issued generally to all residents of Canada to allow the export or transfer of specified goods and technology that are identified in the ECL / Guide to specified eligible destinations, subject to certain terms and conditions. GEPs do not require an individual application to be submitted to Global Affairs Canada for the proposed export or transfer.

GEP-41 allows residents of Canada, subject to certain terms and conditions, to export or transfer certain items included in Group 1 and item number 5504 of the ECL / Guide to consignees that are located in any of the 32 eligible destinations identified in the GEP (paragraph 11 of this Notice). Eligible destinations are generally like-minded countries that, similar to Canada, are members of multiple multilateral export control regimes and have implemented an effective system of export controls.

This Notice should be read in conjunction General Export Permit No. 41 – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations (GEP-41) introduced in 2015 and as amended on September 1, 2023, (to be published in the Canada Gazette Part II in the coming weeks) as well as  the current version of “A Guide to Canada’s Export Control List”, which is available on our website or upon request from the Export Controls Operations Division of Global Affairs Canada.

Eligible Goods and Technology

GEP-41 covers the export or transfer of most goods and technology referred to in Group 1 and ECL item number 5504 of the ECL / Guide, excluding those goods and technologies identified in subsections 3(2) and 3(3) or the Schedule of the GEP.

Additional information is available on the Global Affairs Canada website.