Formaldehyde Emissions Regulations came into force on January 7, 2023

Do you manufacture, import, sell or offer for sale composite wood products containing formaldehyde?

The new Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products Regulations (CANFER) come into force on January 7, 2023.

Starting January 7, 2023, the new Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products Regulations (CANFER) prohibit the sale, offer for sale, or import of composite wood products that release formaldehyde at levels that exceed the regulatory emission limits.

CANFER is intended to help reduce formaldehyde exposure in indoor air and the risk of adverse health impacts associated with this exposure. Formaldehyde is a colourless gas that is emitted from certain household products and building materials such as the following composite wood products:

  • Particleboard
  • Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) and thin MDF
  • Hardwood Plywood
  • Laminated Products

*Note: finished goods made with these composite wood products may also emit formaldehyde.

NOTIFICATION DEADLINE: Please notify ECCC by March 8, 2023

Within 60 days of CANFER coming into force, you must inform ECCC at the following details:

  • your name & contact information;
  • your role (e.g., finished good importer);
  • any subsequent changes.

Your organization is responsible for determining if its products are subject to CANFER and of ensuring compliance with all the requirements such as emission testing, certification, labelling and record keeping.


  • For more comprehensive information, a Guidance document highlights certain sections of CANFER to provide additional explanation.
  • General information on formaldehyde can be found on the Health Canada webpage dedicated to this substance.