Forestry export programs – new process for issuance of certificates

Please note that effective November 15, 2022, facilities registering under the Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program (HT program), the Canadian Sawn Wood Certification Program (CSWCP) and the Cedar Debarking and Grub Hole Control Program (CDGHCP) will no longer receive their registration certificate by mail directly from the CFIA.

The registration certificate will be provided to the Alternative Service Delivery (ASD) organization responsible for the facility by email. The ASD organization will be responsible of providing the certificate to the facility once fully approved under the program(s). Paper copies of the certificates will no longer be provided by the CFIA.

Please also note that the CFIA is using this opportunity to modernize the look of the registration certificates.

Please email the CFIA at for questions related to the changes.