Exporters of food and animal commodities destined for the European Union (EU) require updated export certificates

Effective January 15, 2022 exporters of food and animal commodities destined for the European Union (EU) will be required to use updated export certificates. Export certificates can be accessed through the Trade Control and Expert System New Technology (TRACES NT), which serves as the EU’s e-certification system.

In order to prepare industry for the transition to using TRACES NT and new export certification requirements, an early adoption approach is being developed with associated details for the stakeholders. As of November 15, 2021, all dairy exports to the EU will use the new certificates in TRACES NT as a part of early adoption.

Operators of dairy exporting establishments are urged to review the revised EU export certification requirements. Relevant sections of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235, refer to Chapter 4 of Annex I on the notes for completion of the certificates and Annex III for the EU model certificate applicable to the products exported. Exporters can also refer to the CFIA webpage: European Union (EU) – Export requirements for milk and dairy products.

Please note that, the applicant must select the corresponding EU certificate model for the intended products for exportation and complete Part I as the first step in the application for export certification, in TRACES NT. Operators will need to include the EU reference IMSOC number (Box I.2.a. of Part I of the certificate) with their export request and provide all relevant information that will be required by the CFIA certifier in order to complete Part II of the EU certificate model.

More information
To learn more about EU requirements and TRACES NT visit – Exporting food and animal products to the European Union – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (canada.ca)

To prepare for these changes

Demonstration Video for Industry: Create an EU login account and user access profile in TRACES NT

Step-by-Step Power Point Presentation: Creating an EU Login account and Access profile in TRACES NT (attached)

  1. Create an EU TRACES login account | EU TRACES login page
    a. Complete and accurate business information is important, as this will be the official account and this information will be listed on further documentation (clearance documents). Duplicate accounts should be avoided.
    Note: To delete duplicate accounts contact the EU TRACES Helpdesk at SANTE-TRACES@ec.europa.eu or +32 2 297 63 50
  2. Create an EU user access profile | TRACES NT login page.
    For helpful information for creating new operators in the system (part of the access profile steps) – click here. Please review in advance of completing the steps to ensure duplicate account are avoided.
  3. Activating access (known in TRACES NT as validation). To request access to TRACES NT, contact the CFIA (the Central Competent Authority) – cfia.tracesntadministrator-tracestnadministrateur.acia@inspection.gc.ca.
    Please include in your email:
    a. Full name of the individual requesting access as well as company name (exactly as it appears in TRACES NT).
    b. Identifiers associated with the company name in TRACES NT, if any are listed.
    c. If your company has enrolled in My CFIA, include the party name and PR number as they appear in My CFIA (these can be found under party administration on your dashboard)
    d. If you are not enrolled in My CFIA include the company names as it appears on any EU eligibility list.
    You will receive an e-mail notification once your account has been granted access. This step is required before you can start to use TRACES NT. Please note that the CFIA is granting access to TRACES NT, where the term “validate” is referenced in the EU’s user manual and documentation

Demo for Industry: Preparing Part 1 of the export certificate in TRACES NT: Details of Dispatched Consignment

EU TRACES NT user manual: PART 1 Details of Dispatched Consignment