Environment Canada – Manufacturers and importers of on-road motorcycles

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) administers the On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations (Regulations). These Regulations came into force in January 2004, introduced standards to reduce smog-forming emissions from and reporting requirements for on-road motorcycles. A motorcycle under these Regulations means an on-road vehicle with a headlight, tail light and stoplight that has two or three wheels and a curb weight of 793 kg (1,749 lb) or less. Note off-road motorcycles are subject to the Marine Spark-Ignition Engine, Vessel and Off-Road Recreational Vehicle Emission Regulations.

Anyone importing on-road motorcycles into Canada for first retail sale must declare them under the Regulations prior to importation and submit an end of model year report due on May 1st of the following year. The Quick Guide provides further guidance on importing motorcycles under these Regulations.

Pursuant to section 39 of the Regulations, an Importation Declaration must be submitted to ECCC, prior to importation, signed by the importer or their duly authorized representative.  This can be fulfilled through the Canadian Border Services Agency’s Single Window Initiative (SWI). This declaration must contain the following information:

(a) the name, email address, phone number, street address and, if different, mailing address of the importer;

(b) the class of the vehicle; and

(c) a statement that the vehicle will bear the national emissions mark or that the company will have the evidence of conformity referred to in section 35 (an EPA certificate) or in all other cases, sections 35.1 or 36.

Additionally, pursuant to section 32.7 of the Regulations, an End of Model Year report must be submitted no later than May 1st of the year following the products model year (e.g. by May 1st, 2023 an end of model year report must be submitted for 2022 model year products). In order to aid you in your reporting obligations, ECCC has created a tool, based on a Microsoft Excel workbook, that will generate your report for you once you have entered the required information. This document, as well as other guidance documents, forms and templates can be downloaded from a Google drive. The Guidance Document: Subfleet Averaging and Reporting for On-road Motorcycles provides further guidance.

Declarations and reports may be submitted by e-mail to:

infovehiculeetmoteur-vehicleandengineinfo@ec.gc.ca .

Please be advised that companies that do not submit an end of model year report and/or importation declarations, if applicable to their situation, may be subject to the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

Questions/concerns can be directed to Environment and Climate Change Canada / Government of Canadainfovehiculeetmoteur-vehicleandengineinfo@ec.gc.ca