COVID-19 and Your Business

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has developed the attached newsletter in response to a need for Canadian businesses to obtain direct information on COVID-19 updates, tools and resources.

COVID-19 and Your Business: Issue 1


Relevant COVID-19 information, straight to your inbox

The first in a series of newsletters to keep you updated.

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) wants to ensure that businesses have the most relevant Government of Canada information on vaccines, financial supports, safety in the workplace and workplace testing.

Vaccines: The key to getting your business back to normal

Safe and effective vaccines are critical to mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 and restoring our economy.

How does Canada decide which vaccines are safe?

Health Canada’s independent drug authorization process is recognized around the world for its high standards and rigorous review. Decisions are based only on scientific and medical evidence.

How can a vaccine be created so quickly and safely?

Normally, creating a new vaccine can take years. However, the development of vaccines for COVID-19 is progressing quickly because of:

Health Canada has dedicated more resources to reviewing COVID-19 vaccines so that the reviews are done quickly and without cutting corners.

Learn more about the development of safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19.