China Manufacturer Identification (MID) Numbers Postal Code Requirements Effective March 18th

On March 18th, 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will institute the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (ULFPA) “UFLPA Region Alert” in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) system. The six-digit Chinese postal code will now be a mandatory data element which will be transmitted with the traditional manufactured identification number.   

Here are a couple items we would like to highlight for our clients:

  1. This will apply to ALL merchandise shipped directly from China to the United States. This will be predominant in the Air & Ocean environments.
  2. If the commodity shipped from any another country but are classified in Chapters 50-63 which covers textiles and clothing, the MID or manufacturer’s name, address and postal code will be required.

Chinese origin goods shipped from a third-party country and not classifiable in the textile and apparel chapters are not impacted at this time.

We are actively working with our software providers to accommodate the change.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Willson International U.S. Regulatory Team at