Changes to The SWI IID Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is pleased to announce that Trade Chain Partners can now use the SWI IID Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria to identify commodities regulated by a particular Participating Government Department or Agency (PGA) program.

The Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria Tables are to be used in conjunction with SWI IID Electronic Commerce Client Requirements Document in order to ensure that all of the mandatory commodity importation data and image requirements are captured.

Please note that not all PGA Programs make use of HS codes as a means to identify whether a commodity that is regulated by that program. Therefore, the Data Element Matching Criteria may also contain other commodity codes such as Intended Use codes, Canadian Product Codes, provision of a Licence Permit Certificate or Other, etc.

The changes identified in the attached spreadsheet are effective as of January 1, 2022. 

The HS Codes to be added/updated are highlighted in green and the ones to be removed are in red. There is 1 tab per PGA. 

The link to the SWI IID Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria can be found here

(Please note that the webpage is in the process of being updated).