CFIA Notice to Industry: Movement of Fresh Fruit into BC 

The CFIA has been made aware of reports of BC fruit sellers sourcing fresh fruit such as peaches from outside of the province, to supplement fruit that was lost during the extreme cold experienced this winter. The CFIA is reminding industry members that any fresh peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, and quince fruit produced outside of BC is regulated for Oriental fruit moth (OFM). As such, it must meet the applicable import or domestic movement requirements and be accompanied by either a phytosanitary certificate (import) or movement certificate (domestic), prior to being moved into BC.

The movement of untreated fruit into BC represents a risk of spread and establishment of OFM into the province which may jeopardize its pest-free status and market access for certain fruit exports.

For more information, please see the Notice to Industry.