CFIA – New reporting requirements for Meat and Edible Meat Offal

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) introduced changes to the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS).  These changes are effective August 01, 2023.

Goods classified in Chapter 02 (Meat and Edible Meat Offal) including but not limited to bovine, horse, pork, and sheep are affected by these changes.

The changes to AIRS include a new registration type as well as revisions to the import conditions when the end-use of the imported goods is “human consumption”, originating from various countries.

Importers should refer to the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) regularly for current import conditions/requirements.

Customs documents must provide complete and detailed descriptions and should include the new meat condition definition to ensure the correct condition is reported to CFIA.

The new CFIA registration code for “Meat Condition/Structure” requires reporting based on the following conditions.

Meat Condition – Definitions 

01 = Intact: refers to pieces of RAW meat (fresh, chilled, or frozen) whose internal structure HAS NOT BEEN MODIFIED (e.g.: carcasses and raw cuts, unprocessed). Examples of AIRS product description in this category are « Carcasses and half-carcasses », « Other cuts with bone in/ Quarters », « Skirt meat » and « Other, unprocessed ».

02 = Non-intact: refers to pieces of RAW meat (fresh, chilled or frozen) whose internal structure HAS BEEN MODIFIED (e.g.: by tenderization, injection, needling, pounding devices). Products under this group are usually described as raw AND processed/prepared/seasoned (note that the two descriptors are applied). Examples of AIRS product description in this category are « Raw, processed whole », « Raw whole prepared » and « Raw, seasoned – boneless ».

03 = Comminuted: refers to any RAW meat product (fresh, chilled or frozen) that is GROUND/MINCED, COMMINUTED OR MECHANICALLY SEPARATED (e.g.: ground beef, textured meat products). Examples of AIRS product description in this category are « Ground/minced – medium », « Boneless – Chopped steak », « Boneless – Finely textured » and « Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood/ Sausages – fresh ».

Failure to provide complete details on the customs documents may result in release delays.

Questions or concerns should be directed to our Canadian regulatory team

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency can be reached by contacting the National Import Service Centre.

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