CFIA – Meat and Fish Updates

The following are available on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website.

Export requirements under section 11.7.3, Annex W – United States of the Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MHMP), have been updated with the following information:

Est. 595: add code 03H (heat treated but not fully cooked – not shelf stable) for beef, chicken, duck, pork and veal.
Est. 660: add code 03B (raw product – not intact) for beef, lamb and turkey; add code 03G (fully cooked – not shelf stable) for turkey.
Est. 765: add code 03B (raw product – not intact) and 03C (raw product intact) for beef, chicken, pork and turkey.
Est. 784: added (2016-06-29); add code 03C (raw product intact) for beef and pork.

Annex D – List of Establishments Not Eligible to Export Meat Products Derived from Cloven-hoofed Animals (1) to Japan in Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MHMP), has been revised with the following information:

Establishments 277: added as of 2015-07-16.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has established an Avian Influenza Control Zone in Ontario to control the movement of animals, products and equipment in the area to minimize disease spread.

List of Establishments approved to export meat to Mexico in Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MHMP), has been revised to include names and species chosen by these establishments.

Establishments eligible to export to Mexico can use only one name for export of meat and meat products to Mexico.

Update to the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Manual and the Facilities Inspection Manual

Revisions to section 4.3 of the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program Manual of Operations to clarify the requirements for human waste containment on vessels and its application to all vessels during harvesting or aquaculture maintenance activities within 3 nautical miles of the shore.

Appendix H of the Facilities Inspection Manual on Guidelines for Effective HACCP Controls for Molluscan Shellfish Processing Establishments has also been revised to include guidance on the HACCP controls for human waste containment.

Questions and Answers on these revisions can be found under the Reference Material – Industry section of the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program