CFIA – Meat and Fish Updates

The following have been updated on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website.

List of Exporters of Live Lobster and Lobster Tomalley Products to Japan has been revised with the following information

Establishment 2563 – Ichiboshi L.P.C. Ltd.: added

Annex D – List of Establishments Not Eligible to Export Meat Products Derived from Cloven-hoofed Animals (1) to Japan in Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MHMP), has been revised with the following information

Establishments 673: added

Guidelines on Measures to Control the Risk of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Live Oysters

This is to inform you that guidelines on measures to control the risk of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) in live oysters are now available on CFIA’s website to assist industry in understanding and managing the Vp hazard.

These guidelines are available as Appendix K in the Facilities Inspection Manual in the Appendix section of the Canadian Regulatory Requirements for Fish Import Licence Holders (Basic Importers) and the QMPI Reference Standard.