CFIA – Meat and Fish Updates

The following are available on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website.

List of Establishments approved to export meat to Mexico in Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MHMP), has been revised

Establishment 402: removed (2016-03-29), as per operator’s request
Establishment 430: removed (2016-03-29), as per operator’s request
Establishment 546: removed (2016-03-21), as per operator’s request

Export requirements under section 11.7.3, Annex W – United States of the Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MHMP), have been updated

Est. 678: add code 03B (raw product – not intact) for chicken, pork and turkey

Annex D – List of Establishments Not Eligible to Export Meat Products Derived from Cloven-hoofed Animals (1) to Japan in Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MHMP), has been revised

Establishment 442: removed as of 2016-05-20

List of Establishments Approved to Export Live or Raw Molluscan Shellfish from France to Canada