CFIA – List of countries evaluated for import of animal products and by-products

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has published a list of countries that have been evaluated for the export of animal products and by-products (APABP) to Canada.

These are countries from which the APABP Import Section of the Animal Import-Export Division (AIED) of the CFIA will accept zoosanitary certificates in most cases. This list is sometimes informally called the list of countries with ‘recognized veterinary infrastructure’, although this is not equivalent to diplomatic recognition of a country.

In general, animal products and by-products will be accepted from evaluated countries with the import paperwork detailed in the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS), while only low-risk APABP may be allowed from countries that have not been evaluated. There are specific exceptions, and these exceptions will be detailed in AIRS.

If you have any questions about this list, please contact the Animal Products and By-Products import inbox at

For routine inquiries, your local CFIA office continues to be your first point of contact, or please use the established internal communication pathways.