CFIA Importer Risk Assessment Model Study

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), in collaboration with experts from industry, academia and other government departments, has started the development of the Importer Risk Assessment (IRA) model, a quantitative, science-based risk assessment tool designed to evaluate the food safety risk associated with Safe Food for Canadians licensed food importers.

As part of this development, the CFIA is conducting a study to estimate the relative risk (importance) of various assessment criteria considered in the IRA model. CFIA have asked for input in identifying experts (residing in Canada) who could be participants in this study and have contacted all Safe Food for Canadians license holders. They have now asked that we distribute information to CSCB members to ensure they reach as many parties as possible.

Information is available here. Questions regarding this study can be sent to Romina Zanabria Eyzaguirre at