CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management Project (CARM)

CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management Project (CARM) is a large, multi-year project to transform how the CBSA assesses, collects, manages and reports on import revenue and trade information.

CARM will replace aging, and non-integrated revenue and cash management systems. It will also improve service delivery by simplifying processes and expanding opportunities for the commercial trade community to interact electronically with CBSA.

Anyone importing commercial goods into Canada may be impacted by these changes.

It is estimated, CARM will be implemented in phases by 2020. The first phase of CARM is the Accounts Receivable Ledger (ARL), which is being implemented in January 2016.

ARL will only impact importers and brokers with Account Security for Release Prior to Payment privileges.  Under ARL, importers with direct security and their own account security will receive Daily Notices and Monthly Statements of Account electronically from CBSA.  They will also be able to make payments electronically to CBSA.

Additional information concerning the ARL initiative can be found at the following link